So this is going to be the mother of all catch up posts. It has been almost 4 years since I posted on here. The pictures below document our time anxiously awaiting the birth of our first son, Oliver. It would happen that that very boy is a short 9 days away from turning 4 years old. How this time went by so quickly is some days beyond me, but then other days I can recall each slowly passing moment in the muck that is mothering. That boy and his siblings who have since followed have my heart. It constantly amazes me how a person can have so much love for another person. I have been loved. I've seen this love in my marriage. But there's just something about a love for your child. It is overwhelming, exhausting, maddening, messy, and beautiful. I am grateful to have experienced it and pray the Lord allows me to continue to experience it for many moments, days, and years to come.
Bear with me while I gush a bit about the last few years.
Photo Credit: Ally Gaebler with A Love For Photography |
Oliver Graeme
As I said, he will be four {4} soon. September 22 to be exact. This fact is hard to wrap my mind around some times, but it is exciting nonetheless. He is an intense little boy. He feels every emotion there is to be felt with a passion. If he is happy about something, he is over-the-moon happy. If he is angry, he is hell-hath-no-fury angry. If he is sad, he is my-world-is-crashing sad. I could go on, but I think you get my point. I see God's image in him because of that very fact. The God I see in the pages of scripture is a fierce God. Fiercely loving, fiercely protective, fiercely wrathful, fiercely compassionate, and again the list could go on and on. It doesn't make it any easier to parent this intense young man by simply knowing and trusting that he is made in the image of his Creator, but it does make me hopeful that with the help of the Holy Spirit this young man can do mighty things for God's glory.
Aedan Bennett
Our sweet, strong-willed Aedan. He is currently two and a half years old. He is a joy to watch. His language has taken off in the last six months or so, which has given us a better picture of who he is and what he enjoys. He is crazy about his sister and wants to be his big brother's shadow. All while maintaining a loyal sense of self. He wants to be independent and many times is quite capable of said independence. He is almost always doing or saying something that makes his dad and I laugh to the point of tears. His two and a half years have been a major blessing to our family and those who know him. I see him bearing God's image in the way he brings joy and laughter. I feel sure I will see more of his Creator's stamp on him as he grows and develops, but even as a little one I see his determination and joyful personality as a reflection of who God is.
Ailish Rose
Our sweet daughter. Just yesterday we celebrated the first anniversary of her birth. She has been part of our family for an entire year, which doesn't quite seem possible. She has been a lovely, girly addition to our boy brood. I said for many, many years that I always wanted to be a "boy mom". I'm not sure how that desire developed over the years, but it did and after two boys I thought I was getting exactly what I wanted. The feeling of butterflies in the pit of my stomach was an interesting one that I remember very distinctly as the ultrasound tech confirmed our sweet little one was in fact a girl. A girl. What on earth was I going to do with a girl? Emotions and make-up, and hair, and emotions. I still don't know exactly what I'm going to do with those things, but she is so much more than just those first thoughts I had about adding a girl. She is delightful, content, has a bit of a temper, loves her big brothers, and so much more we are finding out as she grows. There is an innate beauty about her, which again I believe is a reflection of her Creator - that she too is an image bearer. How grateful I am that I was wrong in labeling myself a "boy mom". That I am, but I am also the mom to a precious young lady who I adore.
Awaiting Oliver - A Journey Through Photos
Date night! The reality of how few and far between these spur of the moment date nights might be in the near future is sinking in. I want to enjoy every stolen moment with my husband now and when Oliver gets here. I truly believe God has given us Oliver in His perfect timing so I don't worry about us, but I do know things are about to change so drastically! I am finding joy in pregnancy and so grateful I can still 'go and do' pretty much like I 'went and did' before, ha! A few obvious limitations, but for the most part pregnancy has not changed life for us all that much. Praying for my husband and I, as we prepare our hearts for the sure change that will come with baby's arrival. A blessed and welcomed change, but change nonetheless.
It's been a while since I've written anything going on with baby Oliver. I've been writing, but not on here. I've been keeping a journal that will eventually be given to our son. A friend of mine gave me the idea and I've run with it. She said she wrote each day (or as often as possible) and then bound it and made it into a book. That's my intention. So, I've been writing pretty often about different things going on in our life as husband and wife and in the life of our growing son. It's so fun to reflect and it will be even better to get to share that with Oliver some day.
Now for the update on here for those of you reading. Since the last time I wrote (5/4) I've made my way from 18 weeks 3 days to exactly 23 weeks today. The highlight as far as pregnancy goes from the day of our last ultrasound (5/3) was realizing what it felt like when Oliver moved. I got to see him bouncing around on the screen (the entire time mind you...little busy body) and make the connection to what that felt like inside. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life. What a joy. Since then I feel him move all the time. He is so busy! I am not surprised by this at all. If he's anything like his daddy - and oh how I hope he is - he will be busy and loud and fun and into everything! As this little boy grows the kicks are getting stronger and just last night I actually saw him move! My belly visibly moved as he kicked. Incredible. I still don't know what's moving - legs or arms, but what little part of him it is it's just one of life's greatest joys. God is so good.
My belly is growing as Oliver grows, which is fun to watch. We're still taking belly pictures every couple of weeks and they'll be posted on here as well as Facebook.
Trying to savor each moment. That's pretty easy when you're having an ideal pregnancy. No major symptoms to speak of and seeing as I'm in my second trimester I'm hopeful that this may be a relatively easy pregnancy from start to finish. So very grateful for that.
The next big thing is registering! I've put it out there on Facebook to all the mamas (and dads) asking what are the "must-haves" and what are the "don't-waste-your-money" items. I got some great responses that were super helpful! The most helpful piece of advice I received was from a good friend speaking truth over me. She is a new mama of a sweet 9 month old. She reminded me that I am Oliver's mama and whatever Matt and I decide is best for our son is the right choice for our family. The only true "must-have" is the Gospel front and center in our marriage and in the life of our son. The cute baby stuff is all very secondary to that truth. Although, once Oliver is here and we enter the stage of actually getting to use the cute baby stuff I will post on what's working for us and what we could have lived without. Until then, Matt and I are going to continue to fantasize about what our little one will look like and who he will be...and get that scanner gun at BabiesRUs and have some fun!
Lots of things going on this weekend! Let's just hit the high points...
- Friday, 5/3 ...Matt and I went to our second ultrasound at 8 am and this is a big one! We went in the hopes of finding out the gender of this little one and that's just what we did! We found out we're having a BOY! Oliver Graeme Turley is going to be here in just a few short months!!
- Friday - Saturday ...17 of our youth girls headed out to the farm on Friday night around 5 pm and had a great night of girl time, playing outside, bonfire and s'mores, a little chat about conforming our attitudes to Christ's.
- Saturday ...I spent most of the day getting our house in order and it feels so good to be done! No deep cleaning, but our house looks better and now that my time at WKU is done I can get back into my routine. I never realized I would miss being able to clean our home and for those of you who know me you probably wouldn't have thought that to be true either, ha!
- Sunday 5/5 ...ONE YEAR!!! God has graced us to successfully navigate our first year of marriage. I am crazy about the man I get the privilege of calling my husband. I'm so proud to get to be known as Matt's wife. I just pray that God grants us many more years together.
Kasey and Ashley are visiting this week on the heels of Matt's family being here and it's so great having them in BG! I miss them incredibly and it's so fun to have them here for a few days. They're both "ooo-ing and aww-ing" over my little baby bump and "tiny human" (as Kasey loves to call him/her) inside. We went out shopping for a friend's bachelorette party coming up and ended up bring home a baby outfit! It's already starting, ha! Not only is it fun to have them here, it just encourages me to know that already this little one growing inside me is so loved. To think, no one even "knows" him/her yet and people are crazy about him/her. How much more does his/her Heavenly Father love Baby T. It is beyond comprehension. Lord, please help me understand your vast love for us. Help me to more clearly see myself and those around me as your prized possession. You sent your son to die in my place and I pray I will shepherd my child's heart well and lead them as best I can to know you. Open their eyes to see you, bring them from death to life in You, make their story and beautiful before and after picture of your grace. Thank you for this precious little one. Amen.
The first post for this page comes from a draft I've been working on since November 2012. It has been the craziest ride these last couple months and I suspect it will only get crazier as God adds to our family with this little one and little ones to come. I'm so excited to finally share the timeline I've been writing for the past couples months and to add to it as we continue this first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.
This post started on November 26, 2012 and was saved as a draft for many months. It's a little early to be sharing with the world (or at least the small portion of the world that reads this blog) what's going on in the lives of Matt & Lindsey Turley. Despite that fact, I don't want to miss the experience of blogging (journaling for me) and being able to remember vividly how I felt each step of the way.
So, what you will find below is a timeline of sorts. A very specific type of timeline. A pregnancy timeline. If you are reading this, we have successfully made it through our first pregnancy (or at least far enough to feel confident in sharing our news) and I am finally able to share the steps we experienced along the way!
Matt & I decided that I would stop taking the birth control I had been taking since February 2012. God had this on my heart for about a month before I brought up the conversation. When I did finally say something I realized Matt had been thinking about it for about the same amount of time. Cool. So, we relatively quickly and easily came to the decision of no more birth control. We are officially trying to get pregnant. Trusting the Lord, just as before, for His sovereign timing in giving us a child. We are so excited! Of course, we show it in different ways, but we both very much look forward to the growth of our family through children.
I am EXHAUSTED. I cannot hold my eyes open. Of course, my mind is spinning wondering if this is early pregnancy symptoms. When I share this fact with my husband his mind goes to the same thing and his hand goes directly to my belly where he starts talking to our child - more so to patronize me than to actually talk to a child. He doesn't actually think I'm pregnant, but I can't help but think that it may have happened this quickly. I've done a little research online and found some info that supports fatigue as an early symptom - as early as one week, but I've also learned to always question what you see/read/hear online. I guess, I'm just going to wait and see. Just like my friend Wini said today when I text her asking questions about symptoms..."I'll know soon enough".
Well, I'm not pregnant. I realized this post could become a novel very quickly if I'm posting about every little thing that happens that makes me think I may be pregnant. I think what's happening, at least right now, is that I've been off birth control for a little over a week and my body is adjusting...getting back on track. As always, trusting the Lord's sovereignty and timing.
I'm not sure how to post about what I'm feeling right now without making it sound weird. This is the phrase that keeps coming to mind..."trying to get pregnant is fun!" While what you're probably thinking I mean by that I do, but it's so much more than that. The fun is coming in hearing Matt talk about our future with children, us having conversations about what it will be like and who are kids will be. It's a joy to see him be anticipating the day we have a child so much. I can't wait! It's also fun trusting the Lord and knowing He will prove faithful in this aspect of our lives just as He does in every other part as well. Even as I type today I just become giddy with excitement at the thought.
12.16.12 & 12.17.12
PCOS...letters that may have more meaning in my life as Matt and I continue to try to get pregnant. In 2009 I went to my gynocologist for the first time and in explaining some things about myself she seemed to think that I have PCOS, which is polycystic ovary syndrome. This can mean you actually have cysts on your ovaries or present other symptoms without actually having cysts. I am possibly the latter - at least that's what I was told in '09. Now that Matt and I are trying to get pregnant I am doing a little more research.
I'm late. Granted, my period has never been as on schedule as some, but it's been pretty on track lately and I'm late. I could likely start today so Matt and I have decided to wait until tomorrow morning to take a pregnancy test. All I've read recommends testing in the morning anyway so I'm thinking I'll give myself the rest of today to see if I start and then test tomorrow morning. My prayer today is to remember that whatever the test reads or that if I start today that God is good and God is sovereign. I tend to get a little over eager about things so I'm praying against that today. While I say that, I'm still hopeful and excited at the possibility!
First of all, Happy Birthday to my sweet mom!! I can't think of a better day to find out that I'M GOING TO BE A MOM!!! Matt and I found out today that we are having a baby! I still can't believe it. I took the home pregnancy test this morning and got a very clear 'Pregnant' as my answer in under the allotted 3 minutes. My alarm was set for 7:30 am, but I was up on and off all night. I'm sure my anxiety of knowing I would take the test in the morning played a part in that. I woke up about 7 after 7 this morning and stayed in bed just as long as I could...7:13 am. Went into the bathroom. Matt was still sleeping. The next time I saw his face I knew he'd be a dad and I got the privilege of telling him! I didn't do it so gracefully, but it was the only way I could think of because my mind was going crazy!! I just shoved the pregnancy test in his face and said wake up! He opened his eyes slightly and said "Oh, is it negative?" with a disappointed look on his face. To him, it looked like one big line and he didn't know what that meant. I quickly said "No! Look!" with a big smile on my face. He opened his eyes a little more and allowed them to focus in on the word 'Pregnant' that read loud and clear on the screen of the stick. The biggest smile came across his face and he pulled me close and hugged me as I started to cry (of course) and said with the sweetest excitement "I'm going to be a dad". What a big, life changing moment right there in the comfort of our bed at 7:15 on a Sunday morning (that just happened to be my mom's birthday). One of the best days of our life together. I know we can't imagine what is to come, but as we love, trust, and follow the Lord I'm sure we can face whatever our future holds. We are thrilled!! I can't wait to watch Matt be a dad...he's already up to the task - talking to my stomach, introducing himself, and calling himself daddy. It's so sweet and I'm a total sap. I love that man and I can't believe God gave us a baby to raise together. All of a sudden, even as I type, I'm feeling the great weight of that and am in a spirit of prayer that the Lord will help us remember that by His grace we are equipped to take on this great task. Baby T, we love you already and we're praying for your protection and growth! The Lord has knit you together in my womb and knows you intimately already - what an incredible thing! OH and for those of you that know me at all, the fact that I went all day at church without a word of this to anyone is a miracle in and of's gonna be a LONG 7 weeks not telling anyone!
I've kept my mouth shut. It's only been two days, but's a task! I saw tons of people on Sunday, talked to my mom, and all the while kept our news to just us knowing it's the right thing to do. My prayer is that I will honor my husband (and by doing so honor the Lord) and his desire to wait to share our exciting news! So, if it's sometime in March or April and you're reading this please know that it was a chore not to tell you! It is a joy to know that you can now celebrate with us!! We are trusting the Lord that that day will come and if for some reason it doesn't we will trust Him still. Sarah Gibbs, you and I walked last night and had a sweet time at Panera and the whole time I wanted to tell you so badly! ha! I know you'll probably laugh reading this now, but you'll also be proud knowing I submitted to my husband in this way :) Praying for the protection of this sweet little one (currently the size of a poppy seed) growing inside me. I will spend the coming months in complete amazement of this miracle of life God has given us. I am in awe.
On a note about telling people....I did get to say it out loud to someone other than my husband yesterday! I called my doctor to make my first appointment and said the words "I'm pregnant" to the woman on the other end of the phone. So sweet coming out of my mouth.
We get to tell my mom TOMORROW!! I can't wait to tell my mom that I'm going to be a mom!!
Friday night we got to Corbin around 9:45 pm. As soon as we walked in the door I knew I'd be telling my mom pretty soon because I could barely keep a straight face. I handed her a birthday card that said To a Wonderful Mom and Grandma. She opened it and I thought for a moment that she wasn't going to catch it, but then her face changed and she glanced at me. I confirmed and then the tears and excitement came. We spent the rest of the weekend talking about it. She said Friday night she thought about nothing but babies :)
Saturday we visited with Mamaw and got to tell her as well. I showed her a picture of "something we made" that "I hadn't put on the blog yet". She looked at it for a minute and since she didn't have her glasses on she didn't realize what it said. She just smiled and said "well that's a good picture" and asked for the camera back. I zoomed it in a little more and pointed out the chalkboard. Once she read it she realized and again then came the excitement! Later that afternoon we FaceTimed with Marty & Ron. I told Marty that "aunt Marty Farty" (what I've called her since I was little) just didn't sound right...what if we added a "great" to the front of it? She got it immediately and she cried more than anyone else, which then made my mom cry! It was so fun telling them! Unfortunately, we weren't able to get a hold of the to-be grandpa so I haven't had a chance to tell him yet, but it's gonna be great when we do!
My brother, Chris, was also supposed to be there that day, but was not. So, I called him to let him know he'd be an Uncle. I don't think he quite knew what to think. He was excited, but it took a while to convince him that we were even serious. He quickly went from excitement and congratulations to harassing me about ruining the secret and telling everyone he knew. Thank goodness he was kidding, I think.
I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow and I have never been more exhausted in my life! I cannot complain though because I haven't had the miserable symptoms (yet!). I'm exhausted, I cry about everything, and am slightly short of breath, but that's about it so far. I'm anticipating those common symptoms...nausea, indegestion, etc. any day now, but I will gladly take the lack of those for as long as the Lord will allow! A few people know now. A few have figured it out and then we've gone ahead and told a few. While it is so exciting to tell these precious friends we so desperately want to tell Matt's family. We go back and forth all the time on the thoughts of let's just Skype them and tell them versus no, we want to tell them in person. It is about to eat my sweet husband alive because he adores his family and he is crazy about this baby and wants them to know so badly he just about can't stand it! He's going to be such a great daddy.
Another person we've yet to be able to tell is my dad. We weren't able to get ahold of him the weekend we were home and I haven't been able to talk to him on the phone since so he still has a big surprise waiting for him when we finally have the chance to talk.
Kasey, if you're reading this you're another one that I can't wait to tell. The urge to call you on the phone and just spill is overwhelming! BUT I know I'll be seeing you soon and I want to see your face when I tell you you're going to be "an aunt". :)
Who am I kidding?! There are so many people in mine and Matt's lives that we cannot wait to share our news with. What an incredible blessing we have in that we are surrounded by people who love us and who we can't wait to tell about this baby! God is good.
I finally got ahold of my dad today! Talked to him for a few minutes before I finally spilled the news that he would be a grandpa! I very much expected him to be excited, but his reaction was just precious. He was much more excited than I thought he would be and immediately wanted to tell everyone, ha! I had to quickly tell him that he could not post it on a banner on the Corbin water tower because Matt's family still doesn't know. He asked me if he could tell a couple of his closest friends and his sister and brother in law. I said yes, of course, but to make sure they don't put anything on Facebook :) We're still not sure what he wants to be called - it's lookin' like "Freddie" or "Grandpa Freddie" are the two contenders, which I think is cute as can be. It was so fun telling him. He loves kids and kids love him so I can't wait to see our sweet little one with his/her grandpa Freddie.
8 weeks today and Baby T is the size of a kidney bean! Only 5 more to go before we can really share our news with all those around us! For now, I am enjoying the time with just the few who know. Most of all just Matt and I. A great friend reminded me to enjoy this time, before the world knows. Savor those looks we shoot across the room to each other because we're the only two in there who know our little secret. That's just what I intend to do.
What I most wanted to write about tonight is how grateful I am for my husband. I'm always grateful for him, but that is proving to be especially true as things are changing. I am exhausted so much of the time and things at home have been sliding as a result. Dinner, cleanliness, and laundry to name a few. He is a champ. He cooks us dinner, turns a blind eye to the dust (or just picks up a broom and cleans), and wears wrinkled clothes all for the sake of his wife to get some much needed rest. It's amazing. It is God's grace in my life. He's already such a great daddy. Can't wait to see him with our little one!
We go to the doctor for the first time in a few days and I'm both nervous and excited. Nervous because I don't know what to expect and this may be the first of many painful things in the near future (I know, I know...wuss!). Excited for all the obvious reasons! We'll get some questions answered, get to know a little more about what to expect in the coming weeks, and I think we might get to hear the baby's heartbeat!
On another note, we're getting closer to being able to tell Matt's family and then everyone else!!
03.07.13 & 03.12.13
03.07.13 - The doctors appointment came and went and was great. Dr. Kasica is a wonderful OB/GYN and answered all the questions Matt & I had at the time (of course, I feel like new questions come up daily!). I didn't know what to expect, but it was pretty much painless and there were no tears when the nurse, Jessica, drew my blood! I know this may seem insignificant, but this is the first time that's been true and for me it's kind of a sign that this baby is already making me tougher, which bodes well for me when October 2 (or whenever he/she decides to come) gets here!
03.12.13 - We have our first ultrasound today!!! I tear up just thinking about hearing this little one's heartbeat and maybe even getting to take home some pictures of our little kumquat (approximate size at the moment). Can't wait to get there today and do this thing!!
Several things to catch up, the ultrasound was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced in my life. We saw our baby's heart beating and heard the sweet sound of that little life. We also got to see little arms and legs sweetly crossed at his/her little ankles. I cried through nearly the whole thing (even before we got to see our sweet little one! ha). Tears of pure joy. Two, we got to share our news with some friends who are at the same stage of life we are. All either currently pregnant, just recently had a baby, or trying to get pregnant. It was really fun to share it with them and hear their excitement for us! It was also really great to get some insight on all things baby - from maternity clothes tips, to what they experienced around the stage we are and what they're experiencing now, and more. It was awesome! I also came home with my first pair of maternity pants - amazing! They're so much more comfortable than my regular pants! Thanks Meredith!! In two weeks it's tell-Matt's-family-day and then it's announce-to-everyone time...we're so looking forward to those sweet moments!!
This time next week we will have told Matt's family and anyone else who will listen and this post will be out there, not just a draft that keeps building in my blogger account. A couple things to write about today. One, last night I met with a friend of ours Leslie Miller. I got the pleasure of sharing our news with her to which she said "I knew it". ha! She had some great things to say and funny stories to tell about her own pregnancy experiences. One thing she encouraged me to do is journal. Well, that's easy! I love journaling!! I feel like this blog post is somewhat a journal already. She gave me a great idea beyond just journaling for my own sake though. When she was pregnant with each of her boys she kept a journal and continued it through their first year. At the end of that first year she bound it and made it into a book. Her boys love to hear "their story". She said to this day (boys are 8 and 5) that they sometimes ask for it to be read to them at bed time. How precious! I would love to do this for this little one and the little ones we pray the Lord gives us in the future. Doesn't have to be anything fancy and I can bind it at work or church...should be relatively easy! So excited.
WE GET TO TELL MATT'S FAMILY TODAY!!!! It seems like we have been waiting for this day forEVER, but it's finally here and they will finally know that they are going to be grandparents, again! Two in one year! Greg and Ashley are expecting their third in June and Matt and I will welcome our first late September/early October. Wow! I still can't believe it sometimes! His family is set to arrive sometime around dinner and I'd bet that they don't even all make it through our front door before we spill. It'll be mom and dad and the five younger kiddos. Unfortunately, Kevin had to stay back and so did grandparents. We'll have 7 guests in our home and we love it! Not only do we get to see Matt's family, we will also have three people from my family over on Saturday! Mom, Terry, and mamaw will be here on Saturday to spend the day with all of us. It's going to be such beautiful chaos!! We'll all get to be together! I hope to write again soon to tell exactly how we break the news to them and how the weekend goes, but for now I have got to go get our house read for all these people!
I get to reflect today on the pure joy it was to finally tell the rest of our family and then our church family. Friday night we told Matt's family almost as soon as they walked in the door. They arrived (after a long day of traveling from Michigan) and gave hugs as they came through the door. When all hugs had been given Matt looked at his parents and said "Gosh, I can't believe you guys are being so rude and not saying hello to your grandbaby". His mom just looked at us and then said we were just messing with her. We assured her that no, we were being completely serious and that there was going to be another grandbaby this year! Then, the screaming began. It was exactly what we expected. Matt's mom screamed for a while in excitement and Matt's dad shook his hand. Hugs were given again and it felt like the weight of a heavy, exciting secret had been lifted! All the waiting had finally paid off and was well worth it!
Saturday was a day of family from both sides enjoying each other's company. Matt's family is of course here (minus a few, sorely missed siblings and grandparents) and my mom, stepdad and mamaw joined us for the day. It was great! A lunch here at the house and then running around BG shopping for maternity clothes, and dinner out together. It was a great, great day.
Sunday we first and foremost celebrated our risen Savior! None of this would be worth it if it weren't for Christ conquering death. We celebrated with those we love at Rich Pond and we got to share our news with them as well, finally! I was able to tell the youth group using two little sleeper outfits Matt's mom got the day before. I asked them which one they thought we'd need in about 6 months. After the confusion settled and they finally understood what I was saying their excitement was also well worth the wait. Once the youth group knew, we knew it was fair game for the rest of our church family. It was SO fun telling everyone and getting to share our joy with them. Again, it felt like a weight lifted - we all know how poor a job I do keeping secrets and this one was BIG! There are still a few who don't know, but we're trying our best to get in touch with them before posting anything facebook.
Today we are going to run around with family and enjoy our last full day together. It's gone too fast, but we are taking in every minute. I'm so looking forward writing more on this page as I progress through pregnancy and then when our little one gets here.
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