
Showing posts from September, 2013

the early days

What a whirlwind week. Oliver arrived 10 days early and the last 4 days have been the beginning of a lifelong journey that Matt and I have been looking forward to for the last 9 months. Parenting our sweet boy. It has been incredible. I just nursed him and he is sleeping soundly and as I watch him I am in awe. In awe that God formed him, knows him, is pursuing him even now, and finally entrusted him to us.  [pause. the sweet one I was just talking about has just filled his diaper and this mama has a job to do...5 minutes and one dirty diaper later, we're back.] Let the sap continue...... He's perfect! Trust me, I know he's not really  perfect, but I understand that love a parent has for a child now and for just a little while I want to revel in the illusion that he's perfect. I think that's all I'll write for now. I do have pictures to share from our first few days. Oliver Graeme Turley 9/22/13 at 12:57 am first family photo

37 weeks: photo shoot

We so enjoyed having the same photographer from our wedding take pictures of Matt and I and my not-so-little belly. It was a beautiful Saturday morning with my favorite person, Matt, and a wonderfully talented photographer, Dallas . Here are the results of the day...