Super Mom: The Woman, The Myth, The Legend
As I scrolled across yet another article on Facebook calling out to my desire for affirmation as a mom I had a thought. Where is this illusive beast known as "the mom who has it all together"? We talk about her, we compare ourselves to her, we strive to be her and yet when I look around I see moms who look just like me. Moms who love their kids with a crazy, all-in kind of love; moms who deeply desire to make good choices for their kids that will help them become wonderful adults; moms who love Jesus and who are trying their best to show her kids who he is and why she loves him so much; moms who are running on fumes, but really wouldn't change a second of what empties her each day. I just see moms. Moms of all shapes, sizes, and colors; moms who go at it alone for one reason or another; moms of all ages. I see moms. Moms I steal ideas from; moms I learn from; moms I laugh with; moms I grieve with; moms I respect; moms I love deeply.
What I have not seen in my 31 years, four of which I can claim the title of "mama", is a mom who says she has it all together. This makes me wonder if that mom we are all secretly comparing ourselves to actually exists? I don't think she does. I think she is an illusion that the Enemy has created in our mind to make us feel less than. I think she may sometimes have a face, but it's one that we have assigned. I may see a mom who I believe for one reason or another has it all together, but it's not fair for me to assign that kind of weighty role on her when if she is anything like every other woman I know she is already battling her own insecurities.
The Enemy is crafty and really good at what he does. He is not for me. He will go to any length necessary to destroy me. I have come to believe this with my whole self. When I place blame where it is due, on him, it helps me see the women in my life, moms or otherwise, correctly. Not as people to measure up to, but people to lift up and do life with. Not as someone who is probably judging me for my toddler who is throwing a fit, but as someone who has been there and likely will be again and therefore as someone who understands. Not as someone to worship, but as an image bearer of our common God who we worship together. When I know those things to be true I can fight the Enemy's plan against me and lean into the one who is in fact for me. I can enjoy the women around me for who they are and what they bring to the table and I can come to that same table with confidence that because of our sweet Jesus I too have something to offer.
So let's stop. Let's stop letting the Enemy fool us into thinking there is a mom in our circle who is secretly saying to herself "Look at these yayhoos, what are they doing? Why are they not more like me?" Maybe I'm naive or maybe, just maybe, I'm winning against the Enemy's scheme by saying I just don't think that woman exists.
What I have not seen in my 31 years, four of which I can claim the title of "mama", is a mom who says she has it all together. This makes me wonder if that mom we are all secretly comparing ourselves to actually exists? I don't think she does. I think she is an illusion that the Enemy has created in our mind to make us feel less than. I think she may sometimes have a face, but it's one that we have assigned. I may see a mom who I believe for one reason or another has it all together, but it's not fair for me to assign that kind of weighty role on her when if she is anything like every other woman I know she is already battling her own insecurities.
The Enemy is crafty and really good at what he does. He is not for me. He will go to any length necessary to destroy me. I have come to believe this with my whole self. When I place blame where it is due, on him, it helps me see the women in my life, moms or otherwise, correctly. Not as people to measure up to, but people to lift up and do life with. Not as someone who is probably judging me for my toddler who is throwing a fit, but as someone who has been there and likely will be again and therefore as someone who understands. Not as someone to worship, but as an image bearer of our common God who we worship together. When I know those things to be true I can fight the Enemy's plan against me and lean into the one who is in fact for me. I can enjoy the women around me for who they are and what they bring to the table and I can come to that same table with confidence that because of our sweet Jesus I too have something to offer.
So let's stop. Let's stop letting the Enemy fool us into thinking there is a mom in our circle who is secretly saying to herself "Look at these yayhoos, what are they doing? Why are they not more like me?" Maybe I'm naive or maybe, just maybe, I'm winning against the Enemy's scheme by saying I just don't think that woman exists.
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. Hebrews 10:24 ESVI love you, ladies.
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