God uses whatever he wants to show us our sin, even tuna

Well, I've done it again. Gone and sinned. 

This time sin is showing itself as being too quick to make up my mind about something or someone. I don't know that it's sin to make up my mind about an object, but it definitely is when it applies to people. When I judge someone too severely without really knowing them or extending any grace it is definitely exactly that, sin. What's funny (or maybe funny isn't the right word...what's ironic) is that it took food to make me realize this.

I was thinking about what we had in our house in terms of food and whether or not we had enough groceries to last us the week. I did a mental list in my head of what is in our cabinets. Among the yummy stuff that I love is something that I used to turn up my nose to - tuna. As I thought about the fact that we have tuna in our cabinets my mind quickly ran through several thoughts most of which were centered around the fact that I used to hate tuna. I had made up my mind based on one thing I knew of tuna - that I didn't like the smell. When I married Matt I realized he loves tuna and I would at the very least have to bear with the smell for the sake of my husband. Then he - after much effort - convinced me to try it. After trying it I realized that I actually quite like it. 

I don't plan on spending this entire time rambling on about my new found love for tuna. Instead, I hope you see my point in that the underlying reason as to why I didn't like tuna is something that plagues me in many aspects of my life. I make up my mind about something or more importantly someone based on one thing I know of them and have little room in my heart or mind for changing that opinion. I honestly do not know if I have ever noticed this in myself. Now that I have though it is glaringly obvious!

My prayer now is that I would remember to not make my mind up so quickly about things or especially people. To remember to extend grace to those around me who I may be seeing flaws in instead of seeing the good. To remember that I've been extended that same grace through Christ allowing me to have a relationship with God who otherwise wouldn't be able to even look on me because of my flaws (sin).

Giving God the glory for the work He's doing in my life. 
Grateful and blessed.


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