what happened to me?!
The title of this post may be slightly misleading. It evokes a certain curiosity in anyone who may be reading. They may think they're going to get some riveting story about some major event in my life, but alas I may disappoint. I decided to title this one "what has happened to me?!" because I feel like I'm changing SO much! Change is good.
All of the ingredients for our whole wheat bread ready to go. Now all I needed was the girls who were joining me to show up :) Friends, Kelli and Kristina, came over and it made the long process of bread making that much more enjoyable!
Kneaded again and placed in the loaf pan. Now I just needed to wait for it to rise again and then bake it!
Making our house smell so good!
Finished product! At this point it was so late (11:30 pm) so I put it in a freezer bag and left it overnight. I'm a little worried that I may have made it soggy, but I'm anxious to try it today. We'll see!
Some things don't change though. I'd still like to present this mostly with pictures.
Yesterday, I bought some Gerber Daisies from Warren East High School's horticulture class for $1. I figure this is an investment I can make with some confidence because if I kill it I've only lost a few dollars in what it took to get me started. One of said investments was a Disney Princess gardening tool. It made the experience of planting my first flower that much better.
The finished product at least until the flowers bud.
Not only am I trying my hand at planting flowers, I also tried my first loaf of homemade bread!
Waiting for the dough to rise. It smelled SO delicious!
I don't know what has happened to me! I am actually enjoying making things by hand. It all started with granola bars. They are delicious and so easy. Both the granola and bread recipes came from my sweet friend, Kelli. It's been fun to try these and actually see them turn out well. Gives me hope that I may conquer this kitchen/cooking thing! The best part is seeing my husband enjoy the things I make and someday soon I know it will be worth it to see both my boys, Matt and Oliver, enjoying mama's creations!
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