Update: 13 things for 2013
It's April 3, 2013 and I was skimming through the blog when I came across my post titled '13 things for 2013'. Ouch. A little convicting and/or guilt provoking, ha! Makes me ask myself, what have I actually kept to in terms of these commitments? Let's see....
- Read. It was my intention to read through the Bible chronologically. As of month 4, I cannot say that is going well. Actually, that is not going at all. Like I said, ouch.
- Pray. I do feel that I've been more intentional about my prayers, when I pray. I do hope to grow in my prayer life by praying more Scripture instead of praying for circumstantial things. This desire has come from the Lord using different Godly men and women in my life to discuss this with. It's been a great lesson.
- Slow down. Um, can you say double ouch? Ugh.
- Invest. I think investing in the lives of students in a one-on-one way is happening, but not nearly as often as I'd like. Different opportunities to spend time with students are coming up though, even today as a matter of fact.
- Hospitality. I put the emphasis on cleaning equalling hospitality when I initially wrote this post. I believe Matt and I open our home regardless, which I'm happy about. Granted, those who enter may appreciate the emphasis being on cleanliness, but regardless, our home is open! ha
- Laundry. This is an uphill battle. One that I'm afraid I lose more often than I win. I haven't given up though and I'm proud of that. In fact, I'm on my fourth load today and so far, no wrinkles!
- Cooking. This is going well. I just cooked a dish for 9 people (Matt's family who visited this past weekend for Easter) and it went well. All were pleased and full by the end of the meal, which equals success in my book! And there were no tears, another success!
- Missions. Hmm...unfortunately I can't recall too many mission opportunities I've seized in the last 4 months. I did get the chance to deliver meals with some folks from my church, which was great.
- Memorize. Oh, another one that evokes a little twinge of guilt. I was doing so well for a couple months and thennnn, nothing. Must. Do. Better.
- Exercise. All I have to say to this is, HA!
- Handwriting. Not such a serious one so I don't feel so bad about not really working hard on this one :)
- Spanish. Well, we're four months in and I can at least tell you this... no hablo espanol.
- Water. I usually have one pop a day (now even more so that or less because of the limit on caffeine because of Baby T). I'll take that.
That was good for me. Going through each of those and trying to access where I am realistically on the goals I've set for 2013. I've got some work to do!
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