Last week I got to write about our experience with family in Michigan and now I get to write about what a great time we had with family and friends in Corbin. We are so blessed and God is so faithful! My plan is to write this post much like the last one, chronologically. So, check out what happened in Corbin...
Friday after Matt worked hard for Perdue we hopped in the car for the 2 1/2 hour drive to Corbin, which mostly uneventful, but exciting because it ended with us being home for a couple days! It rained then entire way so that was a little obnoxious, but other than that it was a great trip.
Friday night was spent mostly catching up with my sister who just got engaged!! Jake Hart proposed to her shortly after they both got back from missions in Nepal. I got to hear their story for the first time. Such a great story of how God brought two people together for his glory and their good. Love it!
Saturday morning started with a bang! For the first time since 2008 (when I moved from Lexington to Bowling Green) our group from home and college was in the same city! We quickly knew we wanted to take advantage of that so a breakfast was planned. We all got together at the Martin home and people brought all kinds of great food and we enjoyed time together - all of us - for the first time since '08. This is the group that formed in high school. We started doing life together and when the time came for college somehow God kept us together and we lived in apartments across the street from each other. We spent just about every waking minute with each other for the four years of college. A lot of life has happened since 2008. Gilson has a big boy job teaching, JT finished seminary and is leading a church in Texas, Russell finished seminary and is ministering to 'the least of these' in Louisville as well as searching for a congregation to shepherd, Ryan (Bino) finished seminary and is serving the students at Oklahoma State University making disciples, Kasey is SO close to graduating and become Dr. Kasey Cox, Ashley is SO close to finishing her masters and finding her very own big girl job, and I am onto my second job in the interpreting field and have gotten married, which means introducing my husband to this crazy bunch (he loved them all, of course). Our time together Saturday morning and consequently Saturday night was precious to say the least. I love these people like they were family and who am I kidding - they are family! They've seen me at my best and at my worst, celebrated with me, cried with me, taught me, grown with me, and loved me over the years and I love them, all of them. It was hard to leave Gilson's house that morning, but I knew I'd get to see them that evening as well (twice in one day, what a treat!).
Preparing breakfast |
Ashley making some delicious eggs |
the spread - minus several dishes - we had enough to feed an army |
me and the SOON-TO-BE DR. KASEY COX!! |
love these ladies |
Matt finally got to see what I was talking about with all my stories about my friends |
God has truly blessed us |
a more accurate picture of typical us |
The rest of Saturday was spent with my family at the Mamaw's house. She's a doll, gotta love Mamaw! We did our family Christmas, which was fun. Skyped Marty and Ron who are in Florida in shorts and a tee-shirt, boo! (Can't wait to go visit them!!) Time at Mamaw's is always sweet. I learned how to make a scarf, which I meant to take a picture of, but I forgot. I hope to take up this making of things as a hobby, we'll see, ha. My mamaw is so talented at making things - blankets, quilts, scarves, hats, etc. - and I wish I had taken advantage of learning when I was younger, but she's still a great teacher so I enjoyed learning something new while I was there this time.
me and my handsome brother |
Matt and I with my beautiful Mamaw |
two lovely women who I adore |
Saturday night we celebrated! Megan Zik is a NURSE! There was a party planned in honor of her graduating nursing school and Matt and I were able to go. This meant celebrating with my dear friend and also seeing so many of my favorite people! It was a full house, as always. So proud of Megan and her dedication and determination. She's going to be a great nurse!
Mindy Logan made this awesome cake |
All the food in bedpans and whatever you call those other things |
the urinal flower vase |
Otto |
more nursing equipment turned table decoration |
yep, that's lemonade |
Sunday morning we got to opportunity to attend Calvary Baptist Church to hear Bino talk about what's going on in Oklahoma and hear Russell preach. It was great! They both did a great job. Hearing Bino talk a little about OSU only peaked my interest so I got to pick his brain at lunch about it and am excited to hear about the ministry happening on their campus. Russell's sermon was excellent and challenging. He has such a heart for the Lord and spreading His word. He talked about making 2013 about pleasing the Lord and no one else. Let's see if I can remember the four points (unfortunately I didn't have my normal church bag with my pen and paper in it so I couldn't write it down). One, live a life bearing fruit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Two, live a knowledgeable life - get in scripture and learn about God, walk with him intimately. Three, live a life of powerful living - tap into the power of God for endurance and patience in 2013. Four, live a life of thankful living - recognize all the God has done and be thankful. Some of the sub points to these were to invest in someone (or people) this year, get a good reading plan to read through your Bible, get serious about your prayer life, and make it your aim to please God and not man. I was challenged by it and I hope in that very short synopsis you may be too. The last thing little tip he gave us was an acronym called S.P.E.C.K., which is supposed to be used as you read scripture. Ask these questions as you read any passage of scripture:
- S - Sin to avoid. Is there a sin to avoid?
- P - Promise to remember. Is there a promise to remember?
- E - Example to follow. Is there an example to follow (or not follow)?
- C - Command to obey. Is there a command to obey?
- K - Knowledge of God. Is there any knowledge of the character of God I can gain from this?
Sunday after church we all went to Sonny's Barbeque (yum!) and spent more time catching up with old friends. Then we spent another hour and half or so with Mamaw and then we got to go see my dad. Matt and I spent a couple hours with him, which was really nice. My uncle Dennis also came over and got to meet Matt for the first time. Catching up with both of them was really good. We sat around and talked and watched the Patriot/Miami game. Poor Miami!
me and dad |
my two guys |
After visiting with dad it was time to get ready to head back to BG. We grabbed a Little Caesar's pizza and headed to mom's house. Ate quickly, packed even quicker, and soon were on the road toward BG. The drive back felt long. I hated to leave Corbin, but when you know you're on your way to your own bed it can't come soon enough. We did make it though and went straight to bed because it was 11 o'clock and Matt had to work today (boo!).
It was a great time in Corbin. We are incredibly blessed to have two families we love and enjoy being with. We are also blessed by their flexibility around the holiday season. As a newly married couple it's tough figuring out how to split your time between both families, but both families have made it so easy and we truly appreciate that. We pray we always honor them in our decisions and plans regarding time spent with each.
Just like with our trip to Michigan, we can't wait to get back to see everyone in Corbin again soon...
"Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise" *grin*.
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