But I say to you...

As I was reading in Matthew last night I noticed something. I've read this portion of Scripture many times, but this is the first time I remember really noticing this. I love that about God's Word. That it is alive and active and that I get something new out of it each time I read. So, in Matthew 5 Jesus is teaching and the thing I noticed is that six times in the chapter the phrase "You have heard that it was said..." is used followed by whatever it is the world says about the particular topic Christ is talking about. Whether it be anger, lust, divorce, oaths, retaliation, or love for your enemies Jesus reminds us that we have heard what the world says about these things. Then, the phrase "But I say to you..." flips things on their head and speaks truth. This was a great reminder for me. My flesh is so quick to buy in to what the world says, what culture says, what science says, what an authority figure says about what I should do, think, and be as a you...